Saturday, January 02, 2010

Adoption - Find My Family -

Donna recently sent information about a TV show called Find My Family on ABC. Here is a description and link to one of the episodes. How might a show like this have an impact on young people's attitudes toward adoption?
Description: "Find My Family heads to Crestview, Florida to meet Denise Bashaw, a 27-year-old mother trying to keep up with two adorable children while her husband serves overseas in the Air Force. Denise always knew she was adopted and could not have asked for better parents. But ten years ago...her adoptive mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, passing away less than a year later. At 16 Denise... (decided to) find her birth mother. Denise started her search, but "has come up empty." You can watch as Find My Family takes up the search. Visit: Full Episodes - Find My Family -

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