Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Yaz and Yasmine Birth Control Pills Serious Side Effects Including Deaths

Lately I've seen numerous law firms advertize "Have you been hurt by Yaz or Yazmine?" I decided to look into it and found as one lawfirm website reported, "From the first quarter of 2004 through the third quarter of 2008, well over 50 reports of death among users of Yasmin and Yaz have been filed with FDA. These include numerous deaths with reported cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, intracardiac thrombus (blood clots in the heart), pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs), and stroke in women under 50 years of age. In fact, some of the deaths occurred in women as young as 17 years old. Significantly, reports of elevated potassium levels are frequently included among the symptoms of those suffering fatalities while using Yasmin or Yaz." This seems shockingly high compared to death rates from RU486. Reported death rates for RU486 worldwide in the first few years were about a dozen. How can 50 deaths in only 4 years be considered acceptable? One Canadian law firm has a class action suit in the works. The following link contains useful information about Yaz and Yazmine. It is to the website of a lawfirm. Inclulding this link does not imply that I endorse this lawfirm in any way. I merely want others to learn more about the problems associated with Yaz and Yasmine. Wendt Goss, P.C. -Attorneys at Law:

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