Monday, November 09, 2009

Million Med March - November 21, 2009 - Noon to 3 pm - Capitol Building in Harrisburg

Calling all doctors, nurses, health care professionals and patients:

My name is Edward Chastka and I am a psychiatrist practicing in the Reading, Pennsylvania area for the last 19 years. During that time I've seen the practice of medicine, which I love, destroyed, first by the actions of the insurance industry and now by the threat of government takeover of medicine.Do not fool yourself! The government insurance option means government takeover of medicine because no private insurer will be able to compete with the federal government for long.

There are reforms that can improve the practice of medicine and bring down the cost without higher taxes or a government takeover. We at Physicians 4 Patient Care are sponsoring the "Million Med March", a series of rallies all across the country to inform doctors, nurses, health care professionals and patients of these alternatives.

Please join us for the "Million Med March-Pennsylvania"on the steps of the state capitol building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on November 21, 2009, noon to 3 PM.

For further details please visit:

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