Thursday, October 29, 2009

Catholic Television - Scranton -Schedule for Our Faith...Our Diocese

“OUR FAITH…OUR DIOCESE” - This episode features a segment on this year’s Diocesan Annual Appeal with a look at Catholic Schools and parish based religious education; an interview with Teresa Tomeo, nationally syndicated radio talk show host heard locally on JMJ Catholic radio, who was a speaker at the PA Pro Life Convention on October 24 in Scranton.
And we see how some area Thanksgiving projects are once again helping the needy, including discussions with Mary Lou Burne of Family to Family; Sr. Mary Alice Jacquinot, IHM, of Friends of the Poor, and Mike Hanley from the United Neighborhood Services.
“OUR FAITH…OUR DIOCESE” -#39 November, 2009
(length: 1 hour) AIR TIMES
1. Sunday, November 8, 8:00 pm Premier
2. Tuesday, November 10, 9:00 am
3. Friday, November 13, 2:00 pm
4. Tuesday, November 17, 8:00 pm
5. Wednesday, November 18, 10:00 am
6. Monday, November 23, 4:00 pm

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