Monday, September 07, 2009

Pro-Abortion Democrat, Scranton Mayor Chris Dougherty, to Run for Governor

In June, 2009 Mayor of Scranton Chris Dougherty announced his interest in a run for Governor. The Scranton Times recently published a story indicating Mayor Dougherty is pro-abortion. Dougherty stated "'I just believe it's a woman's right to choose,' Mr. Doherty said. 'It's a private matter what they want to do with their lives, and I don't think government or anybody else should interfere with that." The author, Mr. Borys Krawczeniuk, also interviewed Helen Gohsler, President of the Scranton Chapter of Pennsylvanians for Human Life who provided him with "a copy of a proclamation she said Mr. Doherty wrote and signed declaring Sept. 27, 2003, as "Pennsylvanians for Human Life Day" in Scranton "to honor those who fight for that most precious gift of our creator>" Visit: :
For a link to the article where Mayor of Scranton Chris Dougherty announced his interest in a run for Governor. Visit:Exclusive: Scranton Mayor Doherty eyes run for governor - News - The Times-Tribune

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