Friday, July 03, 2009

March of Dimes Global Report Commentary by Susan Enouen

Life Issues Institute author Susan w. Enouen, P.E. writes about the March of Dimes recent Global Report on Birth Defects. She explains how the organization's view of preventing birth defects also includes abortion though March of Dimes is very careful about the wording of their report. While one can sanitize the language, the abortion of children is a gruesome practice. When "preventing birth defects" includes partial-birth abortion, salt poisioning abortion or dismemberment abortion, Americans need to seiously consider supporting charities that respect the lives of handicapped unborn children and not tolerate or encourage their destruction.

Susan Enouen's article begins here: "The March of Dimes has released their Global Report on Birth Defects, The Hidden Toll of Dying and Disabled Children. This comprehensive summary and analysis of the available global data on the causes and incidence of birth defects makes compelling arguments about the effectiveness of preventive care. In addition to identifying the many types of birth defects, their causes, and their prevalence in different countries in the world, it is clearly intended to motivate governments and health care systems to focus on providing the preventions and treatments available today." Unfortunately, 'secondary prevention' “aims to reduce the number of children born with birth defects,” and abortion is a means of "treatment". Visit: MARCH OF DIMES, Enouen

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