Thursday, July 23, 2009

American Thinker: Michelle Obama's Patient-Dumping Scheme

President Ronald Reagan,in 1986, signed the Emergency Medical Labor and Treatment Act (EMTALA) which made patient "redirection" or "dumping" illegalMany high profile hospitals do not want to treat the poor. One such hospital was the University of Chicago Medical Center whose "Vice President for Community and External Affairs" wasnone other than Michelle Obama. The American Thinker has an article with details of this questionable health care program and several horror stories including a boy whose upper lip was torn off bu a dog and the hospital sent him away with only a shot and an antibiotic. From the American Thinker:

"The University of Chicago Medical Center has received a good deal of justly opprobrious press over its policy of 'redirecting' low-income patients to community hospitals while reserving its own beds for well-heeled patients requiring highly profitable procedures. Substantial coverage was given to a recent indictment of the program by the American College of Emergency Physicians. ACEP's president, Dr. Nick Jouriles, released a statement suggesting that the initiative comes 'dangerously close to ‘patient dumping,' a practice made illegal by the Emergency Medical Labor and Treatment Act, and reflected an effort to ‘cherry pick' wealthy patients over poor.'" Visit:
American Thinker: Michelle Obama's Patient-Dumping Scheme:

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