Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The New Atlantis » Embryos in Limbo

This is an excellent article that examines the reasons "parents" of frozen embryos procrastinate about the fate of their future children. It examines several studies and the attitudes of "parents". I do not necessarily agree with the leanings of the author, however,the article is worth your time.
"Noah Markham was born in January 2007 to worldwide media notice. Like his Biblical namesake, this Noah had been saved from a flood. He had been one in a barrel of frozen embryos transported in a flat-bottomed boat from a flooded east New Orleans hospital in the days after Hurricane Katrina by the Louisiana State Police and Illinois Conservation Police. Interviewed at the time of Noah’s birth, his mother, Rebekah Markham, said that she and her husband Glen were uncertain about whether they would use their remaining three frozen embryos to add to their family of Noah and his big brother Witt. Interviewed again on the occasion of Noah’s first birthday, she said, “How can I not? I’m happy with two, but how can you not when you know what the possibility is? We almost lost Noah. I don’t want to lose the others voluntarily.”" Visit:
The New Atlantis » Embryos in Limbo:

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