Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Call Your Representatives Now About "Global Women's Issues" Bill That Would Seek to Legalize Abortion in Foreign Nations

Legislative Alert from National Right to Life and PA Pro-Life Federation:
Please Call Your U.S. Congressman's Office Right Away
To Urge a "NO" Vote on H.R. 2410, "Global Women's Issues" Bill

On Wednesday, June 10, or Thursday, June 11, the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to take up H.R. 2410, a bill that would create a new "Office for Global Women's Issues" in the State Department. In congressional testimony on April 22, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a strong pro-abortion advocate, left no doubt that this new sub-agency would be involved in seeking to legalize abortion on demand in foreign countries.

Please take a few minutes to urge your representative to oppose this bill. It easy -- just go to the NRLC website's Legislative Action Center, at National Right to Life Legislative Action Center Then, enter your zip code into the "Call Now" box. You will then be shown the name and phone number of your representative in the U.S. House, along with suggestions on what you should say when you call the representative's staff in Washington to oppose the bill.

There is also an easy-to-use form that allows you to send NRLC a quick e-mail report on how your conversation went.

For more information on H.R. 2410, read the letter sent by NRLC to members of the U.S. House of Representatives at www.nrlc.org/ObamaAbortionAgenda/StateDepartmentHouseFloor

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