Friday, May 15, 2009

Philadelphia's Cardinal Rigali on Notre Dame Scandal

Over the past two months Bishops across the U. S. have been weighing in on the Notre Dame Scandal. Notre Dame has invited pro-abortion President Obama to give the commencement address and receive an honorary degree this Sunday.
More than 60 Roman Catholic Bishops have made statements concerning this scandal. Links to statements from some of Pennsylvania's Bishops will be listed here.

Philadelphia's Cardinal Rigali:
"'How can we tolerate that today?' Rigali challenged. 'This whole other category of human beings, the unborn - and the attitude of certain people permitting this, and saying that, for example, abortion should be safe, legal, and rare - or that it simply should be permitted at all times - to take this as a position, this is simply not acceptable in our day and age.' Thus a Catholic university, said Rigali, 'has to be in the forefront of the defense of human life.'....
"To honor somebody [who is pro-abortion] ... whatever his or her merits may be, whatever splendid things this person may do, whatever position he or she occupies ... makes no sense whatsoever.'" Visit:
Exclusive Interview: Cardinal Rigali Says Notre Dame Defence of Obama Honor "Evades Common Sense":

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