Sunday, May 31, 2009

Operation Rescue - A Biblical Look

Many of you have heard that someone shot and killed late term abortionist George Tiller this morning. Already bloggers on the left are using the incident to assail organizations such as Operation Rescue who have conducted protests at Tiller's clinic. Operation Rescue in no way condones killing. I have linked to an article "Operation Rescue - A Biblical Look". It explains the Movement begun by Randall Terry. Here is a quote from the article:
"In the minds of many, the greatest battle confronting the church today is overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that has legalized the murder of millions of unborn babies. As the church confronts this situation, Christians must make sure that not only what they want is Biblical, but that the way they go about it is also Biblical. In the process of achieving a goal that glorifies God, we must not dishonor God by the tactics we use." Visit:
Operation Rescue - A Biblical Look:

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