Saturday, April 18, 2009

Birthday greetings for the Pope from sisters of Mother Teresa - Catholic Online

"AsiaNews has received the text of the greeting sent by Sister M. Suma, the regional superior in Orissa for the Missionaries of Charity, the sisters of Mother Teresa. These are her words:

'Greetings of gratitude and love to our beloved Holy Father on your birthday, for your care and concern for your children of Kandhamal! Our beloved Holy Father, as you celebrate your birthday in the octave of the greatest feast of the Church - the Resurrection - the Missionaries of Charity join our Blessed Mother Teresa, who is praying for Pope Benedict XVI from heaven in her own words: 'Never let anything so fill you with pain or sorrow, so as to make you forget the joy of the Risen Lord.' We, the Missionaries of Charity in Orissa, greet you with love and service."
Birthday greetings for the Pope from sisters of Mother Teresa - Catholic Online: PLEASE REMEMBER THE POPE IN YOUR PRAYERS.

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