Sunday, March 01, 2009

Bob Casey, Bishop Martino and Abortion

Catholics around the nation are watching Bishop Martino's defense of life and truth. Here is a sample from John Borra's of Kansaas:
"Just a few days ago, Scranton's wonderful Bishop Joseph Martino released an open letter to Casey, reminding him once again of his moral obligation 'to oppose abortion and other clear evils.' According to Catholic News Agency:

Earlier in the month, in a first rebuke to Senator Casey, Bishop Martino had warned that the senator's vote against an extension of the Mexico City policy-- which prohibited US taxpayer funding of abortion advocacy abroad-- was a violation of the legislator's moral obligation. “Your failure to reverse this vote will regrettably mean that you persist formally in cooperating with the evil brought about by this hideous and unnecessary policy,” the bishop wrote." Visit:
Veritatis: The Cartoon: How Stupid Does Bob Casey Think We Are?:

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