Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Did Canada's Universal Health Care Kill Natasha Richardson?

I just read the People Magazine story on the death of Natasha Richardson. Of course they said nothing about the details of the inept system of socialized medicine that surely played a factor in Ms. Richardson's death.
"Did the fact that Canada has a socialist, government-run healthcare system --similar to the kind that President Obama wants to ram down the throats of Americans--kill acclaimed actress Natasha Richardson? The short answer is yes, it may very well have done so." (from the American Spectator article) Cirba: How you ask? There was no helecopter airlift system in the province of Quebec to speed trauma victims to the hospital. Read this very carefully folks, Montreal, Quebec is a city of 1,620,693 people acording to 2006 population figures, and they have no helecopter airlift system. Yet in Scranton, PA a city of just 72,485, we have a helecopter that takes off from the roof of Scranton's Community Medical Center to life flight patients to hospitals where they can get the care they need. And Barack Obama wants to take our health care system and turn it into the trainwreck called socialized medicine! To read the American Spectator article visit:
The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Did Canada's Universal Health Care Kill Natasha Richardson?:

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