Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Obama Picks Porn Lawyer for #2 at Justice

Obama Picks Porn Lawyer for #2 at Justice
CHICAGO, February 4, 2009 ( - President Obama has made a major mistake and put America's families at risk by selecting David Ogden to become Deputy Attorney General, says Fidelis, a pro-family organization".................
"Ogden's record is nothing short of obscene. He has represented Playboy Enterprises in multiple cases, Penthouse Magazine, the ACLU, and the largest distributor of hard-core pornography videos. He has opposed filters on library computers protecting children from Internet smut, and successfully defended the right of pornographers to produce material with underage children."
Obama Picks Porn Lawyer for #2 at Justice: Editor's note: Thus far Obama has nominated or appointed to high office, an advocate of euthanasia, three people who didn't pay their taxes,dozens of Clinton Era retreads, and now a lawyer who defends pornography!! Shame on all those who voted for this kind of "change". SKC

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