Friday, February 06, 2009

Bishop Martino Condemn's Senator Casey's Vote Against the Mexico City Policy

“Your vote against the Mexico City Policy will mean the deaths of
thousands of unborn children. This is an offense against life and
a denial of our Catholic teaching on the dignity of every human being.”

From a letter to Senator Robert P.Casey
by Bishop Joseph F. Martino,

Bishop Martino condemned the vote taken by Sen. Casey against the Martinez
Amendment to the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)an amendment to a
bill which would have prohibited millions of U.S. tax dollars from going to organizations abroad that provide and promote abortion.

The Martinez Amendment to the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) would have reinstated the Mexico City Policy rescinded by President Obama on
Jan. 23. The amendment was defeated in a vote of 60-37. Visit:
The Diocese of Scranton: "The Catholic Light 2009
Then click on the Feb. 5th issue: "The Catholic Light February 5, 2009" and scroll to the article on page 24 and the Bishop's letter on page 25.

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