Monday, December 01, 2008

Pope Gregory the Great - Spirituality for Busy People | Christian History

I thought readers might enjoy this article on Pope Gregory the Great.
"For those who think administrators are no more than 'empty suits,' with nothing to teach us spiritually, the early medieval Pope Gregory I ('the Great') is the great counter-example. Gregory (ca. 540-604) was a contemplative mystic at heart who struggled all of his days with the conflict between busyness and intimacy with Christ. And this struggle gave him great pastoral sympathy for a group of people who had become 'second-class citizens' in Christendom: married layfolk. His meditations on the busy life—the life he associated both with Jesus' friend Martha and Jacob's wife Leah—led him to formulate a spiritual theology that blasted monastic elitism and freed busy laypeople to enjoy the contemplative life." Visit: Spirituality for Busy People | Christian History:

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