Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Phill Kline Wins Planned Parenthood Abortion Case that Media Reported he Lost

"December 8, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – While the mainstream media has widely, indeed almost exclusively, reported that Kansas’ pro-life Johnson County District Attorney Phill Kline lost a major case before the state Supreme Court last week, the court decision reveals that, far from losing, Kline in fact came out victorious against Planned Parenthood on every major point.
The case was brought against Kline by Planned Parenthood (PP) of Kansas, which sought to have Kline return to the attorney general’s office all the PP patient records that he had obtained during his term as AG. While serving as Attorney General, Kline had initiated an investigation against PP, bringing 107 criminal charges against the organization for violations including performing illegal late-term abortions and falsifying documents." Visit:
Phill Kline Wins Planned Parenthood Abortion Case that Media Reported he Lost:

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