Saturday, December 06, 2008

The List So Far - Anti-Life Appointments in the Obama Administration (Updated)

"Following is a list of Obama appointments so far who have a track record of opposing the pro-life movement and actively promoting the anti-life cause.
Chief of Staff: Rahm Emanuel - The Clinton veteran... earned a 100% NARAL pro-choice rating and a pro-homosexuality track record during his years as an Illinois congressman. Commerce Secretary: Bill Richardson - ...the Democrat has worked against true marriage and pushes so vehemently for unrestricted 'reproductive rights' he was named a 'Champion of Choice' by NARAL in January of 2007. Also,Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS): Tom Daschle - Daschle gained notoriety for his consistently pro-abortion voting record in his years as Democratic Senate majority leader. Visit: The List So Far - Anti-Life Appointments in the Obama Administration (Updated):

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