Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Deal W. Hudson : Change Is Coming to Our Nation's Abortion Laws

Change is Coming to Our Nation's Abortion Laws, written by Deal W. Hudson gives readers a glimpse of the direction the pro-abortion organizations who signed the doccument would like the Obama Administration to take:

"For example, notice the following four recommendations out of the many contained in the document:
· Provide $1 Billion for International Family Planning Programs
· Restore Funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
· Increase Funding for Title X Family Planning Program to $700 Million
· De-fund Abstinence-Only Programs
(Editor's note: Nothing like reaching across the asile to pro-lifers and knocking their teeth out!)
Taken together, the proposed policies would accomplish three things: 1) treat abortion as a health care right, 2) provide funding for abortions by insurance carriers or the government, and 3) put judges and political appointees in place who will protect the abortion and government-funding from future challenges." Visit:
Deal W. Hudson : Change Is Coming to Our Nation's Abortion Laws:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:21 AM

    We certainly have a challenge ahead of us. This type of funding impacts on the whole world.
