Thursday, December 04, 2008

Bishop takes his place on the national stage with his staunch anti-abortion stance | News | - The Times-Tribune

"Bishop Joseph F. Martino arrived unannounced at a Honesdale forum on faith and politics in October and insisted that abortion must be the primary voting issue for Catholics.
“No social issue has caused the death of 50 million people,” he told the audience at St. John’s Catholic Church. Before he made his hasty exit, he added, “This is madness, people.” Bishop Martino has emphasized that he is the “one teacher” in the Diocese of Scranton, but in recent months, word of the passion of his lessons has traveled far beyond the 11 counties where he has spiritual authority." Visit:
Bishop takes his place on the national stage with his staunch anti-abortion stance | News | - The Times-Tribune: One wonders about the purpose of this article. SKC

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