Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Advent: Preparing Ourselves for the Coming of Christ: A Homily by Father Peter West

Fr. West's Catholic Blog: November 2005: "The first part which begins on the First Sunday of Advent and lasts until December 16 emphasizes the preparation for the second coming of Christ. Advent should be a joyful time. A large part of the joy of Christmas is the waiting in joyful expectation for it. If we prepare in the right spirit for Christmas we will not only enjoy our Christmas morning but the time of preparation as well.

Advent should be a time when we renew our Christian commitment. We should seek during this time to deepen our relationship with Christ so that when we appear before him as judge, we won’t hear those awful words 'I never knew you. Depart from me into the everlasting flame prepared for the devil and his angels.' (Matthew 7, 23)"

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