Monday, November 03, 2008

McCain Rally in Scranton

While 3,000 attended the McCain rally in Scranton this afternoon, a few hundred waited outside, some with tickets, as the doors were closed for reasons of fire safety. Since my husband and I were two of those left outside, we will have to rely on the Scranton Times for McCain's speech.

"SCRANTON -- On the rise in statewide polls as Election Day looms, Republican presidential nominee John McCain repeatedly ripped Democratic nominee Barack Obama on Sunday for proposing tax hikes and lacking experience during what was probably the last local stop by a candidate on either presidential ticket.

Speaking to a wildly enthusiastic crowd of about 3,000 at the University of Scranton, Mr. McCain used a 24-minute speech to repeatedly focus on Mr. Obama’s tax plan, charging taxes won’t only go up on the wealthy as the Democratic nominee says." Story Continues:

Updated: McCain focuses on taxes, economic policy in Scranton stop | News | - The Times-Tribune:

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