Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Is Pennsylvania McCain’s last stand? | News | thetimes-tribune.com - The Times-Tribune

In an article which pondered the reason that Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin spent so much time in Pennsylvania, local officials concluded: “There is no other reason for John McCain and Sarah Palin to be in the state based on what the polls say, except that they’re counting on us to be bigots,” said former Scranton Mayor James McNulty, a Democrat. “Why else are they here? They’re counting on Pennsylvania not voting for a black man.”
Ridiculous, says Republican Lackawanna County Commissioner A.J. Munchak.

“He forgets that we were labeled bitter and hanging on to our guns and our Bibles,” Mr. Munchak said. “I don’t believe the polls. I honestly don’t believe the polls. I think a lot of people, when asked, are afraid to say they’re voting against Obama because people will put that (racist) label on them ... I think it’s a lot closer than Mr. McNulty thinks.”" Visit:
Is Pennsylvania McCain’s last stand? | News | thetimes-tribune.com - The Times-Tribune:

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