Friday, December 05, 2008

Film Review: Volition - A Film that Demands a Radical Choice

Tim and Matthew Morgan have somehow produced a first-class short film that masterfully deals with the taboo issue of abortion despite working with a budget that would pay for approximately thirty seconds of a Hollywood blockbuster. 'Volition,' first created for a short film competition, is as yet unknown, but will soon, I predict, become very well known indeed, as it very well should.
Indeed, Volition is an astonishing achievement. The film itself is not made any greater by the fact that Tim Morgan, who directed it, is only 23-years-old, and that his brother, who composed all of the music, is only 20-years-old, but the ages of the brothers does help put the scope of their accomplishment into even greater relief." Visit: Film Review: Volition - A Film that Demands a Radical Choice: "November 25, 2008 ( -

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