Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Abortion Mental Health Research: Update and Quality of Evidence

Dear Readers,
I have been preoccupied the last few weeks with preparations for the marriage of my oldest daughter Jeanine and took a short break from blogging. The wedding was beautiful, but now it's time to get back to the business of pro-life education.
I recently came accross a study "Abortion Mental Health Research: Update and Quality of Evidence" by Priscilla Coleman, Ph.D.,Associate Professor at Bowling Green State University on the mental health and behavioral problems that may follow abortion:
Recent years have brought a dramatic increase in the number of scientific studies published world-wide documenting the psychologicaldamage frequently ushered in by abortion. Negative effects of abortion on various aspects of women’s mental health and quality of life are now well-established. The newer research has overcome many methodological shortcomings plaguing earlier work, leading to much clearer answers to several basic questions including the following:
1) Does abortion introduce risks to women’s mental heath?
2) Does abortion adversely impact other aspects of women’s lives (e.g. intimate relationships, parenting, etc.) even if they do not suffer from a diagnosable ailment?
3) Are the risks associated with abortion greater than those associated with childbirth?
The study continues at:Association for Interdisciplinary Research in values and Social Change

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