Thursday, July 31, 2008

Statement by the Press Secretary on President Bush's Meeting with Chinese Freedom Activists

"Today in The White House Residence, President Bush met with five Chinese freedom activists to discuss his concerns about human rights in China. The President assured them that he will carry the message of freedom as he travels to Beijing for the games, just as he has regularly made this a priority in all of his meetings with Chinese officials. He told the activists that engagement with Chinese leaders gives him an opportunity to make the United States' position clear - human rights and religious freedom should not be denied to anyone." I hope President Bush discusses the lives lost through China's one-child "family planning" policy. For the White House Press release visit: Statement by the Press Secretary on President Bush's Meeting with Chinese Freedom Activists:

Thursday, July 24, 2008

John McCain and Leadership by Example

Senator John McCain visited Wilkes-Barre’s Kirby Center yesterday. He was introduced by Lisa Baker, who said, “We are offering a genuine American hero, a man of integrity – and of great vision. This is ....a man who has been physically and spiritually tested, and will not shy away from the tough decisions. Politics is not his profession public service is." Baker said McCain leads by example.

I recently read an article about Senator McCain’s adopted daughter. She came from one of Mother Theresa’s orphanages, and would need many surgeries to save her life. The McCain family also encouraged a friend to adopt another child who would have probably died without the type of medical care offered in the USA. The McCain's not only adopted a sick child, they paid the medical bills for the child adopted by their friends. This is leadership by example.

By now I’m sure everyone has heard about the gas tax holiday promoted by Senator McCain. McCain also acknowledged that successes in Iraq have come, “at great sacrifice of American blood and treasure” Senator McCain pledged not to let the blood American soldiers shed in Iraq be in vain. The press may even mention McCain’s support of vouchers for Catholic schools. Senator McCain said, “I believe in vouchers. I believe that all Americans should have the same choice that Cindy and I did when we sent our kids to Catholic schools which is the best place to get an education.” But I’m sure few in the press will tell the story of McCain’s adopted daughter.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Catholic Medical Association Conference This October

"The 77th Annual Educational Conference of the Catholic Medical Association will take place October 9-11, 2008 in Baltimore, Maryland. The Hyatt Regency Hotel at the Inner Harbor will be the host facility.
The theme for this year’s conference is, “Theology of the Body: Modern Challenges to Health, Conscience and Human Development.” The conference will address issues of conscience formation and its difficulties, the raising of children, spiritual and emotional healing from abortion and addiction, accepting limitations on health and reproduction, and aging and sexuality issues faced by the senior community. All these topics will be addressed in the light of Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body" For more information visit: Catholic Medical Association:

Is Abortion Good for Women? Read About the Experience of Kay Painter

"I am thankful that I have no memory of the abortion, but the instant I heard my baby’s helpless body hit the garbage can, I KNEW! I had just killed my own flesh and blood, an innocent life. I was panic-stricken, the nurse callously told me to “calm down, in a few days all would be back to normal.”
Lucky? Normal? No one forewarned me of the repercussions of an abortion. It was a simple procedure of removing “tissue,” so why the pain, the sudden emptiness? I awoke night after night to the sound of screams, they were mine!" To read more visit:Kay Painter:

Monday, July 21, 2008

Rally for Resources - Feminists for Life of America

Rally for Resources - Feminists for Life of America: "This year, on college campuses around the country, students will be rallying for resources for pregnant and parenting students on campus. FFL has created this unique event to draw attention to the lack of practical support that often drives young women to abortion. These rallies will be entirely student-led, with the help of proven FFL materials and our online Rally for ResourcesSM kit. Student leaders will be able to inspire their peers to pledge their support in creating and promoting resources on campuses as well as urge their representatives in Congress to pass the Elizabeth Cady Stanton Pregnant and Parenting Student Services Act." To read more about this project visit:Rally for Resources -Feminists for Life of America: "

If you are a student leader and are interested in holding a rally on your campus e-mail formaterials and information.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Lincoln Radio Journal

AIR DATES: July 19, 2008 - July 25, 2008: Lowman Henry has a 'Newsmaker Interview' with Stephen Bloom author of The Believer's Guide to Legal Issues; Joe Geiger has State Senator Andrew Dinniman in the 'Nonprofit Spotlight' to talk about the new non-profit caucus in the General Assembly Lincoln Radio Journal:

American Radio Journal-The Problem of Non-Citizen Voters

This week on American Radio Journal: Lowman Henry talks with Hans A. von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation about the problem of 'non citizen' voters"Visit: American Radio Journal : July 19, 2008 – July 25, 2008

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - Inquest Told Teen Died After Taking Abortion Pills - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News

How many women have to die before journalists tell the truth about abortion?
In 2005 a young woman from the United Kingdom died as a result of an RU-486 abortion. Other sources reported Jones was the 14th woman to die after taking the RU-486 abortion pill. Fox News was the only major network news to cover the inquest into the death of Manon Jones and admit that complications can occur from the abortion pill.
From Fox News: "Dr. Manny Alvarez, managing health editor for, said a condition such as the one Jones had needs to be acted on “very quickly” in order for doctors to save a woman’s life. “There’s always a potential when you take this pill (RU-486) that you may not have complete loss of the pregnancy,” he said. “By retaining products of conception, a woman can have significant bleeding, shock and death.” My guess is Miss Jones' abortionist never warned her of the danger. To read the Fox News article - Inquest Told Teen Died After Taking Abortion Pills - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News:

While I was pleased that Fox News covered the story, I was also disappointed to read comments that trivialized the deaths of the 500,000 unborn children killed by RU-486, specificly:Fox News "The abortion pill has been used more than 500,000 times since it was approved for use in the U.S. for early pregnancy, defined as seven weeks' duration or less." No mention of the fact that a baby dies when RU-486 pill is taken. No mention even that the life of a "fetus" (young one) ended. Sanitizing language only helps to perpetuate abortion on demand.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Jesse Helms: The Most Important Senator of Our Times - HUMAN EVENTS

Phyllis Schlafly writes a fitting tribute to Senator Jesse Helms in Human Schlafly comments on the role Helms had in the ascendance of the conservative movement: "Although only a first-term senator from a Southern state, Helms decided that the Republican platform should be the forum on which to rebuild the conservative movement"......"The 1976 platform was not just about foreign policy; 1976 was the first Republican National Convention when the emerging pro-family movement raised its voice in politics. The 1976 platform opposed 'intrusion by the federal government' in education and called for constitutional amendments to restore prayer to schools and 'to restore protection of the right to life for unborn children.'" The article continues here: Jesse Helms: The Most Important Senator of Our Times - HUMAN EVENTS:

Lorie Byrd :: :: A Lesson Even Liberals Can Learn from Jesse Helms

In her article, "A Lesson Lesson Even Liberals can Learn from Jesse Helms", Lorie Byrd writes about Jesse Helms' respect for people, his work ethic and his commitment to his principles. Byrd writes: "Jesse Helms never compromised on the issues of importance to him and his supporters. I recall a conversation I had with a woman in my church many years ago who was terribly upset over the prospect that Helms would not win reelection. The race was close (as all his races were) and she didn’t think he was going to be able to pull out another win. She said, “I just don’t know what will happen if he doesn’t win. If he is not in the Senate there won’t be anyone there to speak for us.” By “us” she was talking about conservatives and, more specifically, people of faith." The article continues here:
Lorie Byrd :: :: A Lesson Even Liberals Can Learn from Jesse Helms: While not a piece on Senator Helms' pro-life accomplishments, I felt it was a nice tribute to the Senator.

Friday, July 04, 2008

America | The National Catholic Weekly - A Sexual Revolution

One woman's journey from pro-choice atheist to pro-life Catholic
By Jennifer Fulwiler | JULY 7, 2008 is a fascinating article. It can help pro-life people understand why ending abortion is such a long difficult process. (In the 1970's we used to think all it would take to change hearts and minds was to show people pictures of unborn babies!)Jennifer Fulwiler's story should also help pro-lifers realize why politicians aren't going to solve the problem of abortion. Jennifer Fulwiler writes: "B ack in my pro-choice days, I read that in certain ancient societies it was common for parents to abandon unwanted newborns, leaving them to die of exposure. I found these stories to be as perplexing as they were horrifying. How could this happen? I could never understand how entire cultures could buy into something so obviously terrible, how something that modern society understands to be an unthinkable evil could be widely accepted among large groups of people." She goes on to describe how her view of abortion and the value she placed on "fetuses" was tied to her view of God and of sex. The article continues:
America | The National Catholic Weekly - A Sexual Revolution:

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Abortion Mental Health Research: Update and Quality of Evidence

Dear Readers,
I have been preoccupied the last few weeks with preparations for the marriage of my oldest daughter Jeanine and took a short break from blogging. The wedding was beautiful, but now it's time to get back to the business of pro-life education.
I recently came accross a study "Abortion Mental Health Research: Update and Quality of Evidence" by Priscilla Coleman, Ph.D.,Associate Professor at Bowling Green State University on the mental health and behavioral problems that may follow abortion:
Recent years have brought a dramatic increase in the number of scientific studies published world-wide documenting the psychologicaldamage frequently ushered in by abortion. Negative effects of abortion on various aspects of women’s mental health and quality of life are now well-established. The newer research has overcome many methodological shortcomings plaguing earlier work, leading to much clearer answers to several basic questions including the following:
1) Does abortion introduce risks to women’s mental heath?
2) Does abortion adversely impact other aspects of women’s lives (e.g. intimate relationships, parenting, etc.) even if they do not suffer from a diagnosable ailment?
3) Are the risks associated with abortion greater than those associated with childbirth?
The study continues at:Association for Interdisciplinary Research in values and Social Change