Thursday, May 01, 2008

Expelled Movie Exposes Planned Parenthood's Pro-Abortion M.O.

Who makes a surprise appearance in Ben Stein's movie "Expelled!"? According to author Maria Vitale, "It's Margaret Sanger, the matriarch of Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion operation. Stein notes that Sanger was a proponent of eugenics, the pseudo-science which involves trying to create a master race of human beings through breeding." To read the article visit: Expelled Movie Exposes Planned Parenthood's Pro-Abortion M.O.: To learn more aboutBen Stein's movie visit


  1. To learn the truth about Expelled, please see

  2. I saw Expelled last night so it is fresh in my mind. I was impressed by the proponents of Intelligent Design. Dave, I looked up the site you reference, though not extensively and have to wonder why it's authors so vehemently wish to silence proponents of Intelligent Design? Could it be that belief in God demands a change in life style that athiests are unwilling to make? Take a look at the Hubble Telescope web site and tell me if all those galaxies could have come about by random chance?
