Monday, March 03, 2008

Where Does Obama Stand on Infanticde? Read Santorum's The Elephant in the Room: Obama: A harsh ideologue - Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/28/2008

Should infants born alive after abortion be saved? Obama votes No!
From Senator Santorum's column:
"Who would oppose a bill that said you couldn't kill a baby who was born? Not Kennedy, Boxer or Hillary Rodham Clinton. Not even the hard-core National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL). Obama, however, is another story. The year after the Born Alive Infants Protection Act became federal law in 2002, identical language was considered in a committee of the Illinois Senate. It was defeated with the committee's chairman, Obama, leading the opposition." Visit:
The Elephant in the Room: Obama: A harsh ideologue hidden by a feel-good image | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/28/2008:


  1. Here is the interview of Barack Obama when he was running for the U.S. Senate in 2004 by Jeff Berkowitz a Chicago discussion show host. Berkowitz covered the interview about abortion on his blog Public Affairs:

    Jeff Berkowitz: Switching over to abortion, you have said that you would vote in support of, if you were a [U. S.] Senator the federal law that came up that passed [the U. S. Senate] 98 to 0 and that was known as the Live Birth Infant Protection Act.

    Barack Obama: That is exactly right. Because there was a different bill than the one that was introduced by [then] Senator Patrick O’Malley here in Illinois and we actually offered amendments that would have provided assurance that Row. v. Wade [U. S. Supreme Court, 1973] was still respected even as we dealt with what I think actually were some very anecdotal evidence that there might have been some problems although there has never been any hard evidence that there were. Unfortunately, Mr. O’Malley wanted to make a broader point because he does not believe that a woman should exercise a right to choose in any circumstances.

    Berkowitz: But, if that happened in Illinois, if there were some abortions- so called abortions that went wrong- a live fetus was born. Would you seek to have legislation that protected those fetuses?

    Obama: I would if there wasn’t already legislation. Unfortunately [sic?], there is existing legislation-

    Berkowitz: On the state level?

    Obama: On the state level that says if there is a fetus that is determined viable and there has to be a second doctor who assists in determining that that fetus is viable- they are required by current Illinois Law to provide that fetus with assistance to make sure that they can live outside the womb. The law already exists. That’s not what Senator O’Malley’s law was about. What Senator O’Malley’s law was about was identifying all fetuses as human beings as a way of going after the right of women to choose to have an abortion pre- viability and that’s the reason that I, like a number of other senators, including Republican senators, voted either present or against it.

    for a more in-depth consideration, please visit:

  2. I'm the nurse who testified before committees on which Obama served about my experience holding a live aborted baby at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, IL.

    Obama was simply blowing smoke on Berkowitz's show.

    Obama had the opportunity in 2003, as Chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee, to allow wording that would have made the IL and federal Born Alive bills identical. But he singlehandedly stopped the amendment from being voted on. I have prepared links directly to Obama's votes and speeches against Born Alive here:

    Go to the 2003 links for corroboration.

    Obama was also basically saying what I testified was not corroborated. However, Christ Hospital admitted to the Chicago Sun-Times on March 31, 2001 - 4 days after I testified before him for the first time:

    "A spokesman for Christ Hospital's parent, Advocate Health Care... estimated that between 10 percent and 20 percent of fetuses with genetic defects that are aborted survive for short periods outside the womb."

    Senator O'Malley was the state senator where Christ Hospital was located. He was not trying to make a larger point. He was trying to stop infanticide at a hospital under his legislative watch.

    Obama said it wasn't needed? In 2005 the legislation finally passed - after Obama left the state Senate.
