Monday, March 31, 2008

Pro-life outrage as hundreds of children survive after being born within the legal abortion time | the Daily Mail

In Great Britain the Department of Health released figures showing that 909 babies were born between 22 and 24 weeks gestation in 2005, and of these 250 lived at least one year.

"Pro-life campaigners will use the figures to add weight to their argument that the abortion time limit should be cut when MPs vote on the issue in a few weeks. The current time limit of 24 weeks was decided by Parliament in 1990 and the upcoming Human and Fertilisation and Embryology Bill will be the first time MPs will have been given a vote on the issue since then." They will be allowed to vote their conscience. Visit: Pro-life outrage as hundreds of children survive after being born within the legal abortion time | the Daily Mail:

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