Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Prayer Before Planned Parenthood

My friend John Borra composed this prayer for all who are praying in front of Planned
Parenthood on Good Friday to use. Thanks John.

A Prayer Before Planned Parenthood

Almighty God,

We pause here to remember the uncounted victims of a misguided society: women, confused and frightened, who were led to believe problems would be solved by terminating their pregnancies; unborn children who died as a result; couples whose wonderful potential to foster new life has been stifled.

Enlighten those who pervert the healing arts by turning against life, that they might see the destruction they have wrought. Dispel the nihilism that reduces unborn children to mere abstractions. Lead our citizens, courts and governments to understand that everyone has a right to live, regardless of age, ability, health or social circumstance.

Bless our youngsters, that they might appreciate their bodies, value chastity and understand the true purpose of sexuality.

Allay the fears of new parents. Encourage them, that they might treasure the lives they've brought into the world, trust in your providence and embrace the call to parenthood. May they understand that children are unrepeatable gifts, no matter the circumstances of their conception.

Grant that society will once again respect marriage as the insoluble union which brings forth the family and recognize the family as the very foundation upon which society itself rests. Dispel the selfishness that regards fertility as a malady and pregnancy as a disease, that couples might cherish procreation as a blessing and bring ever more life into the world.

Console those parents who once chose abortion and now regret their decision; may their grief turn to action and their suffering to resolve in testament to the Truth.

Strengthen with love all who seek You, that we might embrace our calling to be light amid the darkness and, so, transform America, that she finally might become a nation under You, oh Lord, with liberty and justice for all.

Saint Gianna, who gave up her life that her unborn daughter might live, pray for us!
Saint Maximilian, martyr of an earlier holocaust, pray for us!

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