Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Human Life International -- Condom Exposé

If you look at any state's abortion statistics, you will probably find that three quarters of abortions are to unmarried women. Since the 1970's the Government has poured billions of dollars into promoting contraception through organizations like Planned Parenthood. With so much money being spent to supposedly prevent teen pregnancy, why then do abortion numbers to unmarried teens and women soar? Human Life International's Condom Expose helps one understand the underlyilng problem.

"The Underlying Problem. It is common knowledge among health professionals that sexually‑transmitted diseases (STDs), some of which are incurable and/or fatal, have found fertile ground to multiply in societies that permit and even celebrate all forms of permissive sex. Unfortunately, most people, for fear of appearing “backwards” or “repressive,” treat this glaringly obvious fact like a basilisk -- they dare not look at it or even speak about it." Human Life International's Condom Expose follows and contains shocking information about the conditions under which condoms are stored which make their supposed "effectiveness" at preventing sexually transmitted diseases, much lower than claimed. The Condom Expose continues:
Human Life International -- Condom Exposé:

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