Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Parents Rights - Maine School Wants to Give Kids Contraceptives

Here is just another instance of parental rights to raise their children being trampled by school authorities as reported in Wesley Smith's blog Secondhand Smoke:
(And you know the type of "health professionals" who would give a child birth control pills without her parents knowledge or consent would also take that child for an abortion once she becomes pregnant.)
"I guess parents aren't for raising kids anymore, just housing them. A Maine school wants authority to issue contraceptives to 11 year-olds without parental notification. From the story: Students who have parental permission to be treated at King Middle School's health center would be able to get birth control prescriptions under a proposal that the Portland School Committee will consider Wednesday. Once a parent gives permission for treatment, school authorities want to consider that "blanket permission" to include all "services" offered at the school-based clinic. Visit: Secondhand Smoke:

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