Monday, September 24, 2007

Sept.26th -LIFE CHAIN to Kick Off Scranton's 40 Days for Life Campaign

From September 26 to November 4, Scranton PA will unite with more than 80 cities in 33 states for the largest simultaneous pro-life mobilization in history – the nationwide 40 Days for Life campaign.

Our 40 Days for Life Campaign begins with a Life Chain in the 1100 and 1200 blocks of Pittston Ave. on Wed. September 26th at 5:30 p.m. Adults and high school students are encouraged to attend. We will stand and pray along the sidewalk from 5:30 to 6: 45 with pro-life signs as a public witness to the truth of abortion. Call Sue Cirba 343-5099 for information. Signs will be provided.

Please register if you wish to participate in 40 days of fervent prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. Our peaceful vigil takes place outside the local Planned Parenthood, 316 Penn Ave. Scranton. Anyone interested in signing up for the prayer vigil visit to register or call The Pro-Life Center 343-5099.

Cities who have participated in previous 40 days for life campaigns experienced benefits. In some cities abortion rates were reduced by 15%… 20%… 25%… Or more!
Other cities were able to recruit and mobilize hundreds of new people into effective, life-saving efforts and lead post-abortive women to healing ministries. Scranton can also potentially experience these benefits.

This effort can also help lead post-abortive women – and men – into proven and effective healing programs, develop new, dynamic pro-life leaders, and bring churches together in an historic display of Christian unity and action.

What will God accomplish when people of faith across our community and throughout our nation unite for 40 days of prayer and fasting, pulling out all the stops to end the violence of abortion?

We don’t know, but we’re sure excited to find out!

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