Friday, July 27, 2007

Another New Jersey Abortion Clinic Closed Due to Health Violations - NJ Right to Life

Editor's Note: Due to computer problems I have been unable to post stories in the past two weeks. However I was able to save a large volume of material which was probably not reported in the mainstream press anyway. I'll try to catch up over the next two weeks. Sue Cirba

Early this year a New Jersey abortion mill was closed for about a month when the abortionist nearly killed a woman during an abortion. In June, an Atlantic City abortion mill was closed after it was discovered that it had not been inspected by state health officials in six years! Here are some articles relating to that story.

NJ Right to Life - Site Pages: "The area's sole abortion clinic was shut down late last week by state officials after inspectors discovered several violations within the facility, including problems with infection control, a state health department spokesman confirmed Monday"

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