Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Phil Kline Addresses NRLC Convention on Late Term Abortion | 06/14/2007 | Defeat abortion, Kline urges

Phil Kline, the former Kansas Attorney General who launched an investigation into alleged illegal abortions performed at two Kansas abortion centers, addressed the National Right to Life convention held this past week in Kansas City Missouri.

Kline was defeated in the 2006 election and his successor, Attorney General Morrison has not charged the abortionists.

The Kansas City Star article begins; "Phill Kline took his crusade against abortion to a friendly audience Thursday, delivering a sizzling indictment before the National Right to Life Convention.

“The soil of Kansas is stained red,” said Kline, formerly the Kansas attorney general and now Johnson County district attorney.

“Abortion is sin, and sin always begins with a lie.”

Before his speech, Kline criticized his successor, Attorney General Paul Morrison, for not taking seriously the investigation Kline began into alleged illegal abortions performed at two Kansas clinics." To read the entire article visit: | 06/14/2007 | Defeat abortion, Kline urges:

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