Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Kansas Legislators Plan to Tighten Late-Term Abortion Laws

Kansas abortionist George Tiller, who has allegedly performed late term abortions illegally, has been at the center of controversy for several years now. Former Attorney General Phil Kilne conducted an investigation of Tiller's alleged illegal abortions,charging Tiller with 30 misdemeanor counts. Kline was unseated in the 2006 election for Attorney General

The new Attorney General, Paul Morrison thus far has not charged Tiller. Recently, the Topeka Capital Journal reported Kansas "legislators hosted a rally for about 100 people outside the Statehouse in advance of Attorney General Paul Morrison's announcement sometime this week of findings from a six-month investigation of Dr. George Tiller. Morrison's predecessor as attorney general, Republican Phill Kline, filed 30 misdemeanor charges against Tiller for violation of late-term abortion statutes, but all were thrown out in December by a Wichita judge." Now Kansas Legislators want to "narrow legal justification for abortion after 21 weeks of gestation and permit late abortion only to save the life of the mother." To read more visit:
CJOnline - Abortion opponents announce bill plan:

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