Saturday, May 26, 2007

Rewarding Illegal Aliens: Senate Bill Undermines The Rule of Law

The Heritage Foundation wrote a critique of the Immigration Bill which the Senate and President tried to ram through Congress before Memorial day. I address this issue because it deals with the safety of the American public. Unbelievably, the bill allows the federal government only one business day to conduct a background check to prevent crinimals and terrorists from obtaining legal status. When have you ever known the federal government to do anything in one business day?! A paragraph from the Heritage Foundation analysis follows: "Hobbled Background Checks: The bill would make it extremely difficult for the federal government to prevent criminals and terrorists from obtaining legal status. Under Section 601(h)(1), the bill would allow the government only one business day to conduct a background check to determine whether an applicant is a criminal or terrorist. Unless the government can find a reason not to grant it by the end of the next business day after the alien applies, the alien receives a probationary Z visa (good from the time of approval until six months after the date Z visas begin to be approved, however long that may be) that lets him roam throughout the country and seek employment legally."

Criminals and terrorists will be given legal status under this seriously flawed bill as happened in a 1986 amnesty bill which granted legal status to Mahmoud Abouhalima, the ringleader of the 1993 terrorist attack on the Word Trade Center. Isn't the government supposed to protect its citizens? This bill even offers amnesty to gang members.

The Heritage Foundation Analysis is well worth your time. To read it visit: Rewarding Illegal Aliens: Senate Bill Undermines The Rule of Law

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