Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Stem Cell Research Legislation Vote Nears- Senators Need to Hear From You

Legislative Action Alert

The U.S. Congress will soon vote on the funding of embryo-killing stem cell research using your tax dollars. The liberal media rarely tells the public that there are successful alternatives to embryo-killing stem cell research. Adult stem cells, often taken from the patient himself, have been used to treat more than seventy diseases.

Stem cells can be taken from umbilical cord blood, and in 2004, researchers found that stem cells can also be taken from amniotic fluid. It is not necessary to kill human embryos in order to find cures or new treatments for diseases. Yet on January 11th, the U. S, House of Representatives passed legislation (H.R. 3) that would mandate the use of federal tax dollars for research requiring the killing of human embryos. The vote was 253 to 174. Only 32 votes are needed to override a presidential veto.

The Senate is expected to take up the bill before the end of February. Please contact Senator Bob Casey and tell him to resist pressures from the biotech industry and the leadership of the Democrats. He needs to hear from you.

The reasons pro-life people oppose embryonic stem cell research were explained by Dr. Jack Willke, a national pro-life leader, who spoke at the Respect Life Prayer Breakfast in Scranton in January. Willke stated,
“In order to understand the debate over embryonic stem cells, we need to understand where we get embryonic stem cells. You take a brand new human on day five of his life, cut him or her open and take from the inside embryonic stem cells. The only way to get embryonic stem cells is to kill a new human life. This is the first reason we oppose embryonic stem cell research. The second reason is they (cells taken from human embryos) don’t work and probably never will. This is due to rejection as foreign tissue. Embryonic stem cells are foreign tissue to the patient. Infection is another reason. The woman who donated the egg may have a disease, which can be transmitted. Embryonic stem cells do not work because we cannot control the growth of the cells. They produce tumors. One patient who received embryonic stem cells died a year later of a brain tumor. An autopsy showed that the stem cells produced hair and bone cells in his brain.”

Please call Senator Bob Casey now and urge him to oppose federal tax funding of research that requires the killing of human embryos. Senator Casey’s Washington Office Phone is (202) 224-6324 or Casey’s Harrisburg Office at (717) 231-7540

Also call Senator Arlen Specter and ask him to reconsider his position of supporting federal funds for this unethical, embryo-killing research. Let him know you don’t want your tax dollars used for embryo-killing stem cell research. Senator Specter’s Washington Office can be reached by calling (202)-224-4254 or his Harrisburg Office at (717) 782-3951
If you are able to write a letter immediately, you may write to the Senators.
Senator Bob Casey - B-40 Dirksen Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 20510
Senator Arlen Specter - 711 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510

For more information about stem cell research visit
For a list of the seventy different conditions treated using adult stem cells visit this blog's archives. Click on July 2005 Archives and scroll down to July 14, 2005 “Adult Stem cell Research Successful in Treating Diseases”. There are no successful therapies from embryo-killing stem cell research.

Contacting legislatorsl a very important part of promoting respect for all human life, born and unborn.

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