Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I recently received this tribute from a pro-life leader in the Wyoming Valley. Father Noviello is an example of the many holy priests laboring in the Lord's vineyard. The secular media will never tell their story.

A TRIBUTE TO FATHER NOVIELLO _ Father Anthony Noviello, age 90, died Friday morning, December 15th , 2006, after being stuck by a car during an early morning walk near his Williamsport home. We shall greatly miss you, dear Father Noviello! Father lived an exemplary life as a true Priest of God. He devoted himself for the salvation of those under his care and for all he met. He loved people and worked tirelessly instructing others concerning Church Teachings. He took seriously and preached the heavenly message of the Blessed Virgin of Fatima. One of Father's many legacies was his founding of the annual Rosary Rally in Wyoming Valley. Each year Father would purchase advertising Billboards and would rent the Ica-Rama to accommodate the thousands of pilgrims. Father would literally 'walk the extra miles' in procession through the streets prayerfully, to end abortion. Father Noviello was a master of languages and could superbly explain a particular situation. He would courageously give a most educated discourse on the evil of abortion even in the midst of controversy. Father Noviello was the first true friend of the Pro-Life Center. Many years ago he gave the needed confidence to our President in opening the Center. He was a Priest who practiced what he preached, generously and spontaneously donating to a pro-life project such as sponsoring a whole Bus to the March For Life. Father Noviello was a penitential Priest, one who quietly carried his cross in life. Father Noviello is in the glory of the Father and can now do more for the causes near to his heart. May his reward be great. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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