Thursday, November 02, 2006

Chris Carney Campaign Contributions.

Chris Carney is running in Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional District against Don Sherwood, a Congressman who has an 100% pro-life rating according to the National Right to Life PAC.

While Chris Carney’s political ads describe him as a man with "family values", Carney’s Federal Election Commission Report paints a different picture. Carney has taken contributions from a set of Congressmen who share a radical, left wing, pro-abortion set of values.
Loretta Sanchez, a member of the pro-abortion caucus in Congress, gave Carney a $1,000.00 contribution on 9/28/06.

The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) is one of the groups responsible for promoting the legalization of abortion. NARAL still influences legislators today and has made contributions to Allyson Schwartz for Congress, Nancy Pelosi and Doris Matsui in 2005. Allyson Schwartz made a $2,000.00 contribution to Carney on 5/22/06, Nancy Pelosi contributed $2,000.00 to the Carney Campaign on 9/11/06 and Ms. Matsui gave him $1,000.00 on 9/07/06.

The National Organization for Women is another abortion-promoting organization that has endorsed a number of candidates for Congress including Mike Honda, Zoe Lofgren, Lois Capps, Lucille Roybal-Allard and Loretta Sanchez. (Lofgren, Capps, and Roybal-Allard are so radical they voted FOR the cloning of human embryos on Feb. 27, 2003. (NRLC News March 2003)

What do these people have to do with Chris Carney? All these pro-abortion candidates or Congressmen have contributed to Chris Carney’s campaign. Honda gave Carney $500.00 on 8/7/06, while Lofgren gave him $1,000.00 on 9/13/06. Lois Capps gave Chris Carney $1,000.00 on 8/09/06, and Roybal-Allard gave him $1,000.00 on 9/23/06. The Sanchez contribution to the Carney campaign was mentioned earlier.

So why are these radical pro-abortion candidates and Congressmen giving to Chris Carney’s campaign? Because Carney shares their radical, pro-abortion views.
Sue Cirba, Scranton, author of Pro-Life PA by Sue Cirba

Note: All figures for contributions to the Carney campaign are from the Federal Election Report FEC Disclosure Report Search Results Carney for Congress Committee ID number C00414391.
The fact that NARAL has made contributions to Schwartz, Pelosi and Matsui was found on a website devoted to Associated Press Election Coverage 2006 PAC listings.
The NOW endorsements came from the 2006 NOW PAC’s Voting guide is found at

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