Thursday, October 05, 2006

Times Leader | 10/05/2006 | Carney, Sherwood square off

Representative Don Sherwood and his opponent Chris Carney debated the issues at Bucknell University on October 4th. The Scranton Times and the Citizens Voice (also a Times Shamrock Newspaper) neglected to make any mention of a substantial difference between the two candidates: namely, Sherwood is pro-life and has a 100% pro-life voting record while Carney is pro-abortion. Shame on the Scranton Times and the Citizens Voice for hiding this fact from their readers. Thanks to the Times Leader and the Sunbury Daily item for informing their readers about the candidates' abortion positions.

Times Leader 10/05/2006 Carney, Sherwood square off: states: " Abortion. Sherwood, who has won a 100-percent rating from the nation’s pre-eminent anti-abortion group, said the issue is one on which “good people can disagree,” while accusing Carney of “waffling” on the issue. Carney, who is on the record as supporting a right to abortion, carefully restated the position he’s given elsewhere: As a Roman Catholic, he is personally opposed to abortion, but favors full access to “reproductive health care.”"

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