Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Mona Charen gives conservatives something to think about before voting: Townhall.com::13 Reasons to vote Republican on Nov. 7::By Mona Charen

Townhall.com::13 Reasons to vote Republican on Nov. 7::By Mona Charen: "What I don't understand is the seeming tepidness of so many Republicans. Yes, the war in Iraq is a long, hard slog. The world is not Topeka, Kansas (would that it were). A journalist pointed out to President Bush at his most recent press conference that the Iraq war has now been going on as long as World War II did for the United States. Well, yes, but we lost 407,316 men in World War II. On Iwo Jima alone, we lost 6,800. This is not to say that the deaths of our people in Iraq should be trivialized. But comparisons with World War II -- in terms of sacrifice and terrible price paid -- are ridiculous." Charen discusses the economy, the judiciary, to immigration. Conservatives won't want to miss this column.

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