Sunday, August 27, 2006

Letters - "Christian" America and the Morning After Pill

Numerous opinions have appeared in the media recently deriding the Catholic Church with regard to embryonic research and the Plan B pill.

As John Paul II reminded us, faith and reason are the two wings upon which man rises to the truth. Guardian and teacher of Christianity, the Catholic Church has been both pioneer and preserver of learning throughout Her two-thousand-year history; indeed, members of Her clergy and laity are among the great names of science.

But all inquiry must respect the dignity of the human person and the good of society. Harvesting the unborn violates both, as do the disunitive and lethal effects of so-called morning after drugs. Those who countenance such abuses accede to the prevailing materialism of our time, a philosophy of self-interest at odds with the most fundamental Christian truths and moral imperatives.

Unfortunately, most Americans have successfully divorced faith from morality, reinventing God as necessary to meet their needs. Lost is the understanding that freedom follows from truth, not the unfettered exercise of will, and that fulfillment lies not in possessing, but only in the unconditional gift of self.

In the light of Catholic doctrine, it's appallingly clear that contrary to popular myth, America is anything but predominantly Christian; it is, in fact, overwhelmingly pagan. How else could a nation embrace the self-destruction of contraception, sterilization, abortion and euthanasia? Why else would it clamor for medical experiments every bit as monstrous as those once performed in Nazi death camps?


John Francis Borra
Hays, KS

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