Friday, April 07, 2006

A look into the college culture: What value do we place on human life?

Awhile ago I posted a link to a web page about a 2005 PBS Frontline Special The Last Abortion Clinic. While much of this special was biased, the segment on their web site called "Shifting Attitudes" at gives readers a peek into the "college culture" This may prove particularly valuable to parents who are preparing to send their children off to college this fall. This interview with ten college age women is an eyeopening look at the pressures young women face which lead many to sexual experimentation and abortion. The need for a pro-life presence on college campuses is obvious.

Roughly 1/3 of the abortions in this country are performed on college age women. The interview quoted one college woman, "The pressure to have sex, but not have babies is a big part of what goes on right now". Many choose abortion. Some abort their children without telling their parents and others are pressured into it BY their parents. I'd like to ask the parents who promote abortion, "Have you looked into the face of a newborn child lately?" I cannot imagine how anyone could say that fininshing college is more impoartant than a newborn child's life. Yes, it would be nice if all women had a husband, a house with a picket fence, two cars and a college education before having a child, but if the woman is pregnant, she already HAS a child.

I am interested in learning about the activities of college pro-life organizations in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. If you are a member of a college pro-life group, please e-mail for further details.

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