Friday, January 20, 2006

Kate Adamson, Stroke Victim, Advocate for the Right to Live, Author, to Speak in Scranton Jan. 28

Kate Adamson lives in Los Angeles, California with her family. She is an outspoken advocate for the right to live and be recognized as a viable contributing human being despite disabilities and testified before Congress following the death of Terri Schiavo. Kate Adamson will speak at the Respect Life Prayer Breakfast on January 28 at 9:00 a.m. in Scranton. The victim of a double brain stem stroke, Kate wrote about her experience in her book Kate's Journey.

Quotes from her book, Kate’s Journey:
"I lay there looking at the doctor and my husband. "It’s hard to tell if she can understand. I think she can hear us." the doctor said. Yes! I can hear you. I can’t move or speak, but I hear you. Kate thought. My husband refused to believe I was dying but the doctor offered little hope."
"Fate placed Steven (Kate’s husband) in the elevator with my doctor who was telling the nurse, I was the worst thing he had seen in a very long time. He said I was a tragic case and could look forward to death if I were lucky and life if I were unlucky."

Kate was being fed through a feeding tube but for an eight-day period, did not receive food. During that time she thought:
"I was starving. I thought I was going insane. I was screaming out in my mind, Don’t you know I need to eat? The hunger pangs were unbearable. This continued for another five days. I could think of nothing but eating…."

"I never had time to pray much, but now I had all the time in the world. Praying is the only thing I can do. I can think but I can’t talk – except to God. Ok God here’s the deal. Let me live. I may never by the same…but I may be someone."

I highly recomment the book which can be purchased from Kate's web site http://www.kate Those wishing to hear Kate in Scranton on the 28th need to make a reservation by January 23 by calling pa. for Huaman Life at 570-343-5099.

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