Monday, December 05, 2005

Senator Santorum on Sue Henry Show

U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum came to Scranton this past Tuesday to deliver a $200,000 check to help complete a revitalization project in North Scranton. He also took the time to be a guest on WILK’s Sue Henry Show. One topic of discussion was "Why was Senator Santorum not present at President Bush’s speech on the war in Iraq at Tobyhanna Pa."

Even before the event, tried to make something of Santorum’s absence:
"When President Bush touches down in Wilkes-Barre to talk about the war on terrorism Friday, the Senate's No. 3 Republican - the vulnerable Rick Santorum - will be 116 miles away in Philadelphia addressing the American Legion. Unavoidable scheduling conflict, Santorum's office says. As the GOP loss in the Virginia governor's race Tuesday showed, however, it might also be a blessing to be in a different media market when Bush and his rock-bottom approval ratings come to your state." Their insinuation was Santorum planned to be absent.

The liberal media pack mentality being what it is, other liberal reporters tried to make something of the scheduling conflict as well. Senator Santorum told his audience on the Sue Henry Show it truly was a scheduling conflict. Not only did Senator Santorum suggest Tobyhanna as the site of the President Bush’sVeteran’s Day Speech, his office helped plan the event! Only a liberal media type can turn that into "distancing oneself" from the President. Liberals in the media never let the truth get in the way of their agenda.

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