Thursday, November 03, 2005

Make Prayer a Priority by Susan Cirba

"Everything begins with prayer...spending a little time on our knees. If all the world's rulers and leaders would spend a little time on their knees before God, I believe we would have a better world." Mother Theresa of Calcutta

Christians are the world's spiritual leaders. Jesus said, "You are the light of the world" Matt. 5:14 and "let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven." Matt. 5:16. We must lead by example. If you are a member or leader of your parish pro-life committee, make prayer a priority.

Concerning prayer, Jesus said, "Ask and it will be given to you: seek, and you will find: Knock and it will be opened to you." Matt. 7:7. Pope John Paul II wrote a beautiful pro-life prayer in Evangelium Vitae which is distributed by the Knights of Columbus or by e-mailing Perhaps your pro-life committee can meet together for a holy hour or to pray the rosary. One's first reaction to making a new commitment is usually, "Where will I find the time?" If we are honest with ourselves, if we have an hour for Oprah, American Idol or any other television program, we have time for prayer. It's just a matter of setting priorities.

If your parish currently has no active pro-life committee and you would like to start one, pray about it first. Ask your spouse, another parishioner or a friend to pray with you. Next, go to your parish priest and tell him of your willingness to volunteer.

To begin or sustain any effort without prayer is like trying to fly a kite without wind. It won't work. Make a commitment to prayer; then listen to God by paying attention to the people and opportunities he sets before us each day. You will soon find the statement, "Prayer changes people and people change things." to be fact.
Susan Cirba - Life Issues

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