Monday, October 24, 2005

Umbert Creator Gary Cangemi Addresses Boston Respect Life Walk

Boston, MA
Umbert the Unborn received a warm and enthusiastic response on the Boston Common on Sunday, October 2, when pro-life cartoonist Gary Cangemi addressed the crowd at the Respect Life Walk to Aid Mothers and Children, sponsored by Massachusetts Citizens for Life. Dedicating his talk to the memory of his father, John Cangemi, who was born and raised in South Boston, Gary told participants how he came up with the idea for Umbert. He then read a special "inutero message" from Umbert to the participants who responded with laughter, approval, and applause as Umbert’s popular one-liners were shared with young and old alike. Gary ended his presentation by passing out special signs featuring Umbert’s picture and pro-life slogans to children to carry on the pro-life walk that followed. Cangemi was given the honor of leading the procession through the streets of Boston. Also present at the event were the Boston Archbishop Sean O’Malley and former Mayor Raymond L. Flynn. To see a picture of the Life Walk visit

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