Monday, October 03, 2005

Not What You'd Expect From The Girl Scouts

The 50th annual convention of the Girl Scouts which will be held in Atlanta from October 7-10 features three keynote speakers. One is Ann Curry from NBC’s Today Show, but the choice of the other two are evidence of the National Organization’s plunge into radical feminism. Dr. Johnetta Cole will address the Girl Scout Convention. Cole’s radical views forced the Clinton administration to withdraw her name from consideration for Education Secretary.
The other radical convention speaker is Kavits Ramadas, predsident and CEO of the Global Fund for Women, which promotes abortion and feminism, among other things. Here is a quote from Ramadas from a newsletter published on her group’s Web site in 2003. "As women in the United States celebrate the 30th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, (a landmark case that gave women in the U.S. the right to decide when and if to bear children), we are proud to bring you this issue of Raising Our Voices, highlighting ongoing efforts to protect women’s reproductive health and (abortion) rights.’
On the local level, the Girl Scouts conduct many worthwhile activities and involve many families that hold traditional values. Parents need to know there is a difference in the values reflected on the national & local level. The national organization leadership tends toward radical feminism.

From Concerned Women From America Newsletter

1 comment:

  1. BLETCH! My daughter will NOT become a brownie unless I lead the pack ... This type of set-up reminds me of the NEA.
